If it grows, RYAN knows.

Looking to plant the perfect tree to complement your home and landscape? Ryan Lawn & Tree can help!

Receive $50 OFF your first tree, and $100 OFF each additional!

Request a FREE Planting Estimate

Contact us today to receive up to $100 Off!

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Trees We LOVE in Tulsa, Oklahoma

Additional Options Available

Shumard Oak

Black Gum

Lacebark Elm

Nellie R Stevens Holly

Taylor Juniper

Let us help you plant the perfect fall landscape! Contact us today & receive $50 OFF your first tree, and $100 OFF each additional!

Finding the Right Tree for the Right Spot

When it comes to selecting the right tree for the right place in your yard, you can count on your RYAN Pro. You’ll want to ask and answer several questions when choosing the right tree, including:

  • ✓ How tall will the tree grow?
  • ✓ What shape is the tree
  • ✓ What nuts or seeds might it drop?
  • ✓ How much sun will it be exposed to?
  • ✓ What is the soil composition?

Our consulting arborists will visit your home, review your goals, and make recommendations specific to your location and conditions. 


Receive $50 OFF your first tree, and $100 OFF each additional!